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Clovis East (CA)

Game One

September 9, 2023  Noon

Mascot: Timberwolves

2940 Leonard Avenue
Clovis, CA 93619

Head Coach Brandon Nagle

It will be amazing to be back at Oak Ridge High School who will host The Honor Bowl for the second time. Game One of the 2023 NorCal Honor Bowl again will be a nice interstate matchup.

This will be the second Honor Bowl for the Clovis East Timberwolves who will travel up from Central California to pay once again. New Head Coach Brandon Nagle is up for the challenge and has revved his team up to understand the significance of the Honor Bowl. Jr QB Tyrus Miller had a stellar ’22 season with 2411 YDs passing and 25 TDs along with 589 YDs rushing and 9 TDs. Jr. WR amassed 606 YDs receiving and 6 TDs and should be a prime target for Miller in ’23. Defensively, Jr. LB Joshua De La Cruz will continue to add to his tackle stats where he led the Timberwolves in ’22 with 83 tackles. Jr. LB Jax Koontz will also help defensively.


Ryan Eisele


Clovis East High School, so named for itgeographical location within CUSD’s boundaries, was not alwaygoing to be “Clovis East.” Thname Clovis Colony HigSchool was initially approved by CUSD’Governing Board for the first new high schoothe district had built in 10 years.

Thidea fothe “Colony” namwas a tribute ttime when, in the lat1800svarious small area schools annexed themselves into larger ones to form schools that became known as colonies. Early local colonies included Temperance Colony, Garfield Colony, Jefferson Colony, Kutner Colony, and Nees Colony.

Despite its basis in the historical shapinof what would eventually become Clovis Unified SchooDistrict, the Colony name met with significant community concernthat itmodern connotation didn’accurately reflect the positive environment hoped for the new campus. With school spirit wear and signage already on orderthe governing board responded to the concernby selecting the alternative recommendation of Clovis East High School as thnew name.





Gm1 Provo vs Clovis East
Aiden Wilson WR
Joshua De La Cruz LB
Jade Lopez WR CB
Caleb Slocum RB LB
Anthony Avila C DE
Aiden Wilson WR
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